It can be difficult to wait for your pregnancy test (usually a blood test) after your embryo transfer. After all, embryo transfer, fresh or frozen, is the final step in the process of expanding your family. Many women understandably question what symptoms they might have in the 2 weeks following an embryo transfer and what could be considered positive signals of a successful pregnancy. For infertility hospital in Hyderabad contact Esha IVF centre.
What to expect in the days following Embryo Transfer
Although embryo transfer can be a new and promising beginning for many, you may be anxious and unsure about what to expect next while waiting for the day you are required to perform a pregnancy test.
The pregnancy test is used to determine whether the embryo successfully implanted and resulted in a pregnancy.
Symptoms that may occur following a embryo transfer
While some symptoms experienced following an embryo transfer may appear to be a sign of a successful treatment i.e., pregnancy, they might also be linked to the fertility drugs and other prescriptions you are taking post the transfer which are usually given to support early pregnancy in case it occurs.
During the two-week interval between your embryo transfer and a pregnancy test, you may have menstrual-like symptoms. Among them are:
Spotting or bruising
One of the first symptoms of a positive pregnancy is spotting or light bleeding following embryo transfer. This is called implantation bleeding.
Little blood on your underwear or toilet paper after wiping could indicate implantation, which signifies the transferred embryo has successfully adhered to the womb's lining (endometrium).
According to fertility experts, some minor bleeding or spotting blood markings 7 days after an embryo transfer may be a good sign. Unfortunately, bleeding is such a frightening thing that it does not provide most women with the reassurance they seek.
Your fertility physicians would most likely advise you to continue taking progesterone to help your body generate the same amounts of hormones that it would in the early stages of pregnancy, implying that minor spotting may or may not be a sign of a successful embryo transfer.
Sore breasts
If your breasts are sore to the touch or swollen, this could indicate a successful embryo transfer.
Breast soreness is caused by pregnancy hormones, according to fertility experts.
However, aching breasts may be caused by the hormone medicine you're taking during the 14-day waiting period. Progesterone, both oral and injectable, can soften and tenderise your breasts.
Cramping is a symptom that menstruation is approaching, but it can also be a positive sign of a successful embryo transfer.
Before you take a pregnancy test, keep in mind that minor discomfort may be caused by the progesterone you're taking throughout the two-week waiting period.
Furthermore, some women may feel mild cramping soon following any pelvic treatment.
Tiredness or fatigue
Feeling sleepy and fatigued for days after embryo transfer and until the delivery date (and even beyond) is a normal pregnancy symptom. However, you may feel more tired in the early stages of pregnancy as your progesterone levels rise.