Esha IVF

What Makes IVF More Successful

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is an assisted reproductive technology that includes procedures that help couples with successful conception. It is a process of fertilization in which an egg is combined with sperm in vitro (In a test tube). This article will discuss IVF and its success rate, especially while undergoing IVF for the first time.

If you are thinking about having an IVF pregnancy or want to know about its basic information, you have come to the right place. Here, we will discuss the chances of IVF success during the first time, embryo transfer, and some IVF/ICSI success stories.

Understanding IVF Success Rates by Age and Number of Embryos

Age is a prominent factor that can affect IVF success rate, and this factor is significant even in a natural pregnancy. It is noticed that women of lower age group have higher IVF success rates while women of older age group have a comparatively low success rate.

The success rate of IVF by age is described below:

a) IVF success rate under 35

Women are most fertile in their 20s though they have good fertility till the age of 35. Women with fertility problems like genetic problems, fewer eggs, infertility of the partner with a severe reduction in sperm count, Motility, and morphology often go for IVF. The success rate in this age group is high than above 35.

During IVF first time, if the woman is under 35, there is a 60% chance she would conceive a pregnancy.

b) IVF success rate over 35

It is less likely to conceive naturally for women over 40 but with innovations like Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART), it is now possible to conceive even if they are hitting close to menopause. The following table represents the IVF success rate and live birth for women over 40  where is the table?

IVF Success Rate by the Number of Embryos

The number of embryos is another prominent factor that affects the IVF success rate. The number and quality of the embryo also play a significant role in IVF success because one of the reasons for IVF treatment failure is poor embryo quality. Again, though, techniques like Pre-implantation diagnosis (PGD) help to identify the best quality embryo for the IVF treatment, it is an expensive procedure and it doesn't guarantee pregnancy.

There are two types of Embryo Transfers:

  • Single Embryo transfer
  • Multiple Embryo transfer

Although multiple (usually not more than 2) embryo transfer has slightly higher chances of success, it has its subsequent risks such as multiple pregnancy along with its various complications. Therefore Single embryo transfer is usually preferred by patients who don't want to take these risks. Also single embryo transfer is a better option in some patients who have uterine anomalies or in those who had miscarriage in previous multiple pregnancy,

Some embryos might look efficient but maybe genetically inferior, hence PGD techniques can be used to select the best embryo.

Successful Implantation After Your IVF Transfer

The implantation takes 1 to 5 days after a blastocyst transfer, and this implantation window can go up to 6-10 days if you didn’t have a day-5 transfer.

The following are tips to consider for Implantation after IVF:

  • Go for Day 5 blastocyst transfer
  • Screen the embryos via PGD
  • Absolute bed rest is not needed, but physical exertion should be avoided
  • Avoid hot baths for a long time
  • Stay stress-free

IVF first time success stories

 1. Alvena’s IVF Journey to a Second Child:

There were only 3% chances for Alvena to conceive naturally, which is when she decided to have an IVF treatment. The journey started with diagnosis, and Alvena was given a 9% success rate with medicated IUI and a 60% success rate with IVF. She first felt grief for not having a second baby naturally. Then there were many challenging times ahead when she took hormone-filled injections to grow eggs. After that, things started to improve when the treatment worked right for her on the first try. Now she is delighted to have a baby girl.

 2. Mamatha’s IVF Success Story

Mamatha was about 33 years old when she decided to go for IVF treatment after consulting with the doctor. She then took medicines for few months to prepare for IVF and got two mature follicles. But, unfortunately, both the eggs were of bad quality, and it was officially the end of Mamatha’s dream to have a baby.

But then, the doctor suggested moving on to donor eggs if she wanted a baby after giving a lot of thought and found that donor eggs are her best chance. Finally, after few months of struggles, she did donor IVF  and this time, a miracle was done. Mamatha is now blessed with a baby girl.


Infertility is not something to be sad about, especially when there are scientific solutions like IVF. We hope this article increased your knowledge about IVF treatment and its success rate. The success stories will boost your confidence and inspire you to make the right decision. We wish you the best of luck in your future life and career.