Esha IVF

Prevalence’s And Causes

Prevalence and Cause

In India, around 1 in 5 couples experience problems in conceiving and infertility. Infertility, once considered a taboo, is now viewed as a health problem that can be treated if you are aware of it. If a couple is trying to conceive for a year but unable to do so, then they are considered infertile.World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that approximately 8-10% couples experience some form of infertility . On a worldwide scale, this means that 50-80 million people are infertile one out of 6 couples are affected by reduced fertility.

Male Causes

This contributes 35-40% of infertility. Male Cause IVF Treatment.

Pathological Parameters

  • O : Oligospermia – Functional sperm conc. < 15 million
  • A : Asthenospermia – Functional motile sperm. < 40%
  • T : Teratospermia – Morphology. < 4%

Functional Defects

  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Premature Ejaculation
  • Retrograde Ejaculation


  • Man with no sperm in the ejaculate

Functional Defects

  • Varicocele/ Hydrocele
  • Undescended testis
  • Working trends & environment

Female Causes

  • Ovulatory disorders : Menstrual irregularities
  • Altered functions of fallopian tube : Endometriosis – Distorting the tubes, Pelvic Infections leading to tubal block
  • Anatomical defects Of Uterus : Fibroids, Adenomyosis, Asherman’s syndrome