Esha IVF

What Is An ERA Procedure

What is ERA Procedure?

ERA procedure is helpful in determining the uterine factor in implantation failure of IVF treatment with good quality embryo. This is mainly recommende with history repeated IVF failure. Before the ERA test was developed, your doctor could only observe your endometrial lining with an ultrasound. While this is helpful in measuring how thick or thin your lining is, the ERA test can help provide additional insight into both the environment and quality of your endometrium. This information can be invaluable when it comes to IVF.

Who Should Consider the ERA Test?

  • Patients who have had 2 or more unsuccessful embryo transfers
  • Patients who have had concerns with endometrial lining (example: thin endometrial lining)
  • Patients who have had had unsuccessful implantation with high quality embryos

What is an ERA Test?

In the field of fertility treatment, the term ERA stands for Endometrial Receptivity Array or Endometrial Receptivity Analysis. It is a genetic test in which a small sample of a woman’s endometrial tissue is taken to assess if her endometrial lining is properly developed such that it can successfully accept an implanting embryo.

Technique of ERA Test

ERA test is done by obtaining a sample of endometrial lining during the implantation window. A tiny catheter is inserted through the cervix. Suction is created to draw out a sample of tissue from the lining. This sample is then sent for analysis using Next Generation Sequencing technology. If the tissue happens to be non-receptive, the test has to be re-performed, until the perfect implantation window is found.

Consult Esha Ivf clinic for any query and clear your doubts regarding the ERA technique. ERA is the latest and safest technology that helps in the Detection of any uterine abnormalities . We have the best IVF specialists to perform the test and we offer customized plans and budget-friendly packages for every IVF treatment. Book your appointment now!